August 13, 2020 3.00 pm This story is over 46 months old

Lincolnshire schools celebrate A-Level results

Smiles all round, and even an Oxbridge student!

By Local Democracy Reporter

It is A-Level results day, and students across Lincoln and the county have been celebrating getting their grades.

Sixth form and college students found out their A-Level results today, under the unusual circumstances of not being able to sit exams for their grades.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak which prompted school closures, student grading has been down to predictions made by the school based on previous performance in class.

Students will have the option to accept their grades, change them for marks gained in a mock exam, or sit an exam in the autumn.

Due to these changes to this year’s results process, Lincolnshire County Council can not provide the overall county figures for A-Level results.

This hasn’t seemed to dampen spirits too much, however, as schools and students alike rounded off a difficult year with some fantastic results.

Sir William Robertson Academy in Welbourn had plenty to celebrate, as the school honoured its first student to ever be accepted into Oxford University.

Alethea is the first William Robertson student to ever be accepted into Oxbridge. Photo: Sir William Robertson Academy

Alethea Meachem, head student and leader of the school council, got three A* grades in chemistry, English literature and French to earn her place at St Anne’s College.

Connor Jackson ensured there was safety first, even on this big day. Photo: Sir William Robertson Academy

Lincoln University Technical College achieved a 100% pass rate, with 60% of students passing with a distinction grade.

Students at UTC were delighted with their results. Photo: Lincoln UTC

Principal of Lincoln UTC, John Morrison, said: “This has been a very difficult year for us all but particularly for examination year students.

You can’t see it, but he’s all smiles behind that mask! Photo: Lincoln UTC

“Therefore, we are particularly pleased that despite numerous challenges our students have achieved excellent and very well-deserved A Level results.”

Jay Wyatt-Jones got AAAA* and will study Physics at the University of Leeds. Photo: Lincoln UTC

Another school with a maximum pass rate was Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School, with the head teacher calling it a “very proud moment”.

Harriet will study Zoo Biology at Nottingham Trent, Zendon is doing Illustration at University of Lincoln, and Caitlin will be studying Law in Durham. Photo: Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School

Martin Mckeown, head teacher at LCHS, said: “Congratulations to all students and staff for all of their hard work over the years. This has been a very strange year, but it is fabulous to see that the hard work and dedication of the whole team has paid off.”

James, pictured with his parents, got ACB and will be going to Nottingham Trent to study International Business. Photo: Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School

Lincoln College also had a 100% pass rate, beating national averages for the fourth year in a row.

Mark Locking, managing director for education and training at Lincoln College, said: “I’m really proud of the hard work, dedication and tenacity of our students, who now have a great platform to enter higher education, or to start their careers.

“Lockdown was a huge challenge for our staff and students, but thankfully both rose to that challenge and our online learning engagement was fantastic.”

North Kesteven Academy enjoyed a socially distanced day to remember this year, as students rejoiced in their results.

David Anderson literally jumping for joy. Photo: NK Academy

Jo Tunnicliffe, headteacher at NK Academy, said it was very important to the school to allow students to receive their results in person after the difficulty of the last few months.

Socially distanced students posing with their results. Photo: NK Academy

“We have been supporting them through our online platform since lockdown began and we felt that it was really important for them to come into school today in a safe way, as a rite of passage and to access any support with their next steps.”

Lincoln Minster was another school to achieve a 100% pass rate, seeing a significant increase in grades up to A*.

Headmaster Mark Wallace said: “‘We are extremely proud of and pleased for our pupils with the results they have achieved this year in such trying circumstances.

“This is testament to their commitment and dedication to their studies not only at school, but during the lockdown period as well.”

Priory Lincoln Academy joined the club in terms of getting a 100% pass rate, with a third of students going to apprenticeships or work, and the rest successfully applying to university.

Joanna MacDonald achieved the highest grades in the academy in terms of university points in two subjects. Photo: Priory Lincoln Academy

Headteacher Richard Trow said: “Our sixth formers really are amazing role models. To see so many happy faces today was amazing.

“We work hard to help students turn challenges into opportunities and I am sure that, despite the difficulties of recent months, they will thrive over the coming years.”

Natasha Drake (right), got the highest grades in terms of three subjects. Photo: Priory Lincoln Academy

Boston College also enjoyed success, scoring a 100% pass rate for the fifth consecutive year.

David Rudnyanszky-Munteanu got AA*A* in his results. Photo: Boston College

David Rudnyanszky-Munteanu got an A* in maths, A* in business and an A in media studies and will now go on to CASS Business School at the University of London.

He said: “Even though it’s been a tough period, Boston College managed to successfully continue to deliver quality materials during lockdown and this helped me achieve my best.

“It’s been a pleasure to be a student for the last two years at Boston College because it made me realise what I want to do next in my life and I got the opportunity to meet so many amazing people.”