September 25, 2020 10.40 am This story is over 52 months old

Pupil with coronavirus at Lincoln secondary school

Close contacts told to self isolate

A Year 9 student at a secondary school in Lincoln has tested positive for coronavirus.

In a letter to parents Richard Trow, headteacher at The Priory City of Lincoln Academy on Skellingthorpe Road, said it asked close contacts of the pupil to self-isolate for 14 days from the date the student was not in school.

The letter said: “They have been contacted and will not be in the academy for the necessary period. The remainder of the Year 9 cohort will continue to attend our academy as normal.

“I realise this is a concerning development, but please be reassured that we have been diligent in our following of the guidance and continue to place your child’s safety at the top of our agenda.”

The school is part of The Priory Federation of Academies Trust. This case is the only one to be confirmed within the trust.

A spokesperson for the trust said: “Following confirmation of a positive test result for a Year 9 student, the academy has taken all the necessary steps advised by Lincolnshire’s health protection team.

“We are very grateful for their assistance and guidance, as well as for the understanding and co-operation shown by the academy’s parents and carers since the start of the new term.”

Prior to this case being confirmed, Lincolnshire County Council said on Thursday that it was working with 20 schools that have had confirmed cases of coronavirus.