October 20, 2020 12.36 pm This story is over 51 months old

329 new homes in Metheringham up for approval

Objectors say the village “cannot cope”

Councillors will be asked to approve plans for more than 300 homes in the Metheringham village near Lincoln.

JCO Developments’ proposals for land east of Sleaford Road and west of Dunston Road will go before North Kesteven District Council’s planning committee next Tuesday.

The development includes 329 homes as well as new access points from both roads, new internal streets and new sustainable drainage infrastructure.

A quarter of the new homes will be classed as affordable.

The plans were originally for 386 homes but a report before councillors said the developers responded to concerns about the impact on the highways and the character, design and density of the proposals.

More than 60 residents have written to the council in response to the plans, including 48 letters of objection and seven in support.

Those objecting to the plans said the number of new homes is more than what was proposed in the area’s local plan and will result in the loss of agricultural land.

They say there as been a lack of consultation with residents on the plans.

How the new homes would be laid out.

Lisa Bower said: “This village cannot support the added volume of housing for doctors, schooling, traffic etc.

“The fields support a vast amount of fauna and flora too and it is heartbreaking to think this beautiful area would disappear.

“The junction at Sleaford Road/Lincoln Road is already a nightmare and the Dunston Road proposal is outrageous.”

Concerns also include that the plans will change the character of the village are will “erode the countryside” as well as fears over the strain on local healthcare.

Officers however, said the principle of the development is “acceptable”.

“While the numbers proposed exceed the indicative capacity, the approach taken to the development of the site through the revised proposals is considered to deliver a form of development which responds positively to the national guidance,” said officers, recommending approval.