October 28, 2020 12.59 pm This story is over 44 months old

All of Nottinghamshire going into tier 3 lockdown on Friday

Including our Newark neighbours

The whole of Nottinghamshire, including Lincoln’s neighbours in Newark, will be placed under tier 3 lockdown restrictions.

Original plans meant Nottingham City, Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe council areas were already preparing to enter the top tier at midnight on Thursday.

This has been changed after talks between council bosses in north Nottinghamshire and the government on Wednesday morning.

As a result the entire county, including Mansfield, Ashfield, Bassetlaw and Newark, will now go into the highest lockdown measures at 12.01am on Friday, October 30.

This is expected to last for 28 days.

Further details are expected to be announced on Wednesday afternoon, including about the financial package from the government.

Nottingham City Council leader David Mellen hit out at the delay in announcing details of the local lockdown measures.

The Lincolnshire [COVID] Outbreak Engagement Board also held a meeting on Wednesday with Health, Public Health and local government partners.

We are monitoring a wide range of numbers which would give an early warning of a small area or whole county resurgence of Covid-19 in Lincolnshire” said Cllr Martin Hill, Chair of the LOEB and Leader of Lincolnshire County Council.

“These include the results of testing carried out by our residents and hospital admissions for the disease, but also include things like sickness absence rates in some of our bigger public sector employers.”

“Although the rates everywhere else are much lower, infection rates in Lincoln itself have gone up recently but we aren’t anticipating that it will mean moving into any other tiers at this stage.

“But we are being vigilant and will do what is necessary going forward. Our message from the LOEB this morning is that there is a ‘status quo’ but we are very much alert to circumstances changing.”