October 19, 2020 2.39 pm This story is over 51 months old

Map shows COVID-19 risk in Lincolnshire where you live

You can search by postcode

The latest infection rates and case numbers in Greater Lincolnshire are highlighted on a new interactive map with government data.

You can see infection rates data for the last seven days at postcode level.

The map splits the country into neighbourhood population areas of around 7,000 people.

The areas are colour coded depending on the infection rate per 100,000 people in the past seven days. Data is updated weekly on Tuesdays.

In Lincoln for example, the ‘Wharf & University’ area has 30 cases in the seven days up to October 13, with a seven day rolling rate of 273.8 per 100,000.

The infection rate in Lincoln is low to moderate.

Areas of Grimsby in North East Lincolnshire have the highest infection rates in our region.

See the map and find out the latest info in your local area here.