October 14, 2020 4.23 pm This story is over 51 months old

Preschool plans for former Lincoln police station

The council bought the building in September

Lincolnshire County Council wants to turn the former police station in Bracebridge Heath into a nursery and pre-school.

The council bought the London Road building in September and has put an application into its planning department to make conversions.

The building will be leased to the Bracebridge Heath Preschool charity.

Documents submitted by the authority show enough space for around 46 children with three rooms for 3-4 year olds and two for two year-olds.

Councillor Patricia Bradwell, executive member for children’s services, said: “This development will enable more families to gain employment, access training or increase current working hours to support the growth of the economy.”

Concerns have so far been raised around plans for parking, drop off and pick up as well as the location of a planned outdoor play area.

Bracebridge Parish Council said it was a “positive transformation” of the building but noted the “application lacks detail”.

Meanwhile a local resident queried who would maintain an access road to Whitehall Crescent, which they said was previously assisted by police.

“Whitehall Crescent is an unadopted road and very narrow. It would be wholly inappropriate for parents and staff to park or wait alongside the road, or to drive down and turn their vehicles near our garages,” they said.

“The junction itself is quite awkward to exit from Whitehall Crescent, having to safely negotiate three lanes of traffic.

“In rush hour periods it is likely that parents exiting the road will cause a blockage, preventing the residents from exiting freely.”

The council did not reveal the cost of purchasing the building, claiming commercial sensitivity.