November 5, 2020 2.57 pm This story is over 50 months old

Licence review for Bourne pub after COVID breaches, underage sales and violence

Police want stricter controls in place

Lincolnshire Police are calling for stricter measures to be placed on a Bourne pub following a series of incidents including violence, underage sales and breaches of COVID-19 guidance.

The force will ask South Kesteven District Council’s licensing committee next Friday to change the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) John Parr and put additional conditions on the licence to control when live music can take place.

Documents before the council said: “Since the re-opening of licensed premises on July 4, 2020, there have been numerous incidents relating to the Masons Arms, Bourne.

“These incidents have been reported to Lincolnshire Police which made us believe that the licensing objectives were being undermined.”

Evidence includes reports that underage drinking was taking place at the premises, including under age females staying behind after closure and being given spirits by manager Jim Cripps.

Several fights are also reported including one incident involving 40 people which saw a member of door staff “bitten to the face”, while another involved 15 people.

All the incidents are reported to have taken place between July and September. In most of the incidents arrests have been made by officers.

A meeting had taken place between police, environmental health and Mr Cripps and Mr Parr in which they were “given opportunity to address” concerns.

However, a follow-up meeting found “neither Mr Cripps nor Mr Parr could offer an explanation as to why paperwork has not been submitted to amend the conditions of the licence and the change of DPS.”

Police said further attempts had been made to discuss the changes with the pair but that they had not responded.

Officers said they had taken “stepped approach” and offered conditions but the duo had “failed to acknowledge and respond”.

“This now puts the licensing objectives at risk of being severely undermined,” said the report.

“We believe that those presenting as responsible for the management and control of this premises have displayed a total lack of control and a disregard for the licensing objectives.

“Unless they can demonstrate moving forward that they have the ability to operate this venue as a safe, controlled environment then revocation of the licence should be seriously considered.”