November 3, 2020 11.16 am This story is over 50 months old

Over 160 COVID-19 cases at University of Lincoln

And 13 cases at Bishop Grosseteste University

Some 163 students and five staff at the University of Lincoln have tested positive for coronavirus.

This is a reduction from last week’s figure of 176 students and staff and the latest data is less than 1% of the University of Lincoln’s population.

Meanwhile, four staff and nine students at Bishop Grosseteste University are currently self-isolating due to a positive test result.

Universities and adult education settings should consider moving to increased levels of online learning where possible, according to government guidance ahead of Thursday’s national lockdown.

University of Lincoln

A University of Lincoln spokesperson, said: “The number of positive cases confirmed amongst our students and staff is 168 (less than 1% of our University population).

“Our students’ needs are as always, our number one priority and our dedicated team of staff continue to deliver food boxes seven days a week to any students who require them.

“All students have access to a wide range of academic and professional services to support them and help them make the most of their time here. From the moment they join us, they are welcomed into the Lincoln family and our friendly, close-knit community.”

Bishop Grosseteste University

Four staff and nine students at Bishop Grosseteste University are currently self-isolating due to a positive test result.

One member of staff and eight students are currently self-isolating with suspected symptoms and waiting to be tested or to receive a test result.

A further 109 students and two members of staff are currently self-isolating as a precautionary measure because a close contact/member of their household has suspected symptoms or tested positive – see the full data here.