December 7, 2020 3.31 pm This story is over 42 months old

Lincolnshire COVID-19 infection rate falls, still way above UK average

Boston remains in national top 10 though

Greater Lincolnshire’s COVID-19 infection rate has fallen over the weekend from 264.5 on Friday to 241.6 per 100,000 of the population on Monday.

Boston’s infection rate decreased by 94.1 over the weekend, putting it in sixth highest infection rate nationally, from third on Friday, December 4.

Six out of the nine Greater Lincolnshire districts have seen a reduction in their infection rates over the weekend, but three have seen an increase.

On Friday, Lincoln City was in 10th place nationally but is now 17th. Its infection rate has dropped sharply, like Boston’s, from 373.6 to 330.3.

However, three districts have seen a rise in infection rates: North Kesteven, South Kesteven and South Holland.

This comes as South Kesteven and South Holland were ranked the lowest districts in Greater Lincolnshire. Now the lowest two are North Lincolnshire and South Holland.

North Kesteven has seen a rise from 207 on Friday to 221.5 on December 6, overtaking both North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. North Kesteven now has the fifth highest infection rate in Greater Lincolnshire.

South Kesteven has also seen an increase in its infection rate from 155.9 on Friday to 192.4 on Monday morning, while South Holland rose from 148.4 to 152.6.

All districts are now above the national average infection rate of 149.5. Previously on December 2, both South Kesteven and South Holland were below the national average.

Infection rate from Nov 30 to Dec 6. | Data: GOV UK / Table: The Lincolnite

Tony McGinty, Assistant Director of Public Health at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Following the rise in cases over the past few weeks, particularly in East Lindsey and then Boston, numbers are beginning to fall as we expected them to do.

“A significant number of these relate to specific outbreaks in settings that are being managed and controlled [such as care homes]. Lockdown measures and restrictions are now succeeding in reducing the overall rate of transmission.

“But people do need to continue to focus on the core safety steps they need to be taking to protect themselves and reduce the rate of increase seen in recent weeks.

“Keep space from other people, cover your face in enclosed public spaces and wash your hands frequently.”

He added: “We’ll continue to provide quick, effective support where it is needed and take the appropriate action to reduce the potential spread of the virus, protecting our communities.”

Last week, the MP for Grantham and Stamford said Lincolnshire should be divided into two lockdown tiers, with the south of the county going into tier 2, while central and northern areas remain in tier 3.

Greater Lincolnshire is currently in tier 3 which is defined by government as “areas with a very high or very rapidly rising level of infections, where tighter restrictions are in place”. This is what tier 3 means for us.