May 7, 2021 5.05 pm This story is over 44 months old

Conservatives retain control of Lincolnshire County Council in 2021 local elections win

54 seats for leading party

The Conservatives have officially retained control of Lincolnshire County Council with 54 seats to their name.

The party’s final seat on Tattershall Castle was held by Councillor Tom Ashton.

The number is the same as the party went into the election with, however, down by four on the 2017 election results due to some party members leaving.

The final results also see the council made-up of:

  • Five Independents (up one)
  • Four Labour councillors (down two)
  • Three Liberal Democrats (up two)
  • Three South Holland Independents (new party – up three)
  • One Lincolnshire Independent (no change)

How the council is now made-up.

See the full results from the 2021 Lincolnshire County Council elections

Following the results announcement, Conservative Council Leader Martin Hill said: “That’s a very strong result.

“We have a very strong manifesto […] which is basically all about keeping council tax low, services good and also an ambitious programme of building and development.

“I’m very pleased the hard work of candidates and Conservative councillors of the past four years has been recognised and rewarded and I look forward to the next four years.

“Hopefully we will serve the public of this county as best we can.”

The turnout for the election was 31%, compared to 31.98% in 2017. There were 179,165 votes in total out of 569,480 registered voters. 1,314 votes were spoiled.

It saw Councillor Hill joined by several of his counterparts on the district level with Boston leader Councillor Paul Skinner holding his seat, while Tory district leaders Richard Wright of North Kesteven and Kelham Cooke of South Kesteven were also elected to the authority.

Former Lincoln MP and city councillor Karen Lee has also been elected on the county council, after three re-counts, winning her seat in the Ermine & Cathedral ward.

Lincolnshire Labour leader Rob Parker has won his county council seat at the Carholme division.

Conservative candidate for the St Giles ward, Nicola Clarke has taken the previous Labour seat from Robin Renshaw who is set to retire.

See the full results from the 2021 Lincolnshire County Council elections