May 7, 2021 12.44 pm This story is over 39 months old

Officer Cadets graduate at RAF College Cranwell

A big well done to the 89 graduates!

Eighty nine Officer Cadets from the Royal Air Forces’ Officer Training Academy graduated from RAF College Cranwell on Thursday.

The graduation of The Queen’s Squadron consisted of officers from Modular Initial Officer Training Course No 3 and Reserve Officer Initial Training Course No 65 from Royal Air Force College Cranwell.

RAF College Cranwell has a long and distinguished history dating back to its foundations as a Royal Navy Training Establishment in 1916.

The graduation ceremony was held at RAF College Cranwell on May 6, 2021. | Photo: Gordy Elias/MOD 2021 Crown Copyright

A proud moment for the Officer Cadets. | Photo: Gordy Elias/MOD 2021 Crown Copyright

It was the world’s first Air Academy and today continues to select and train the next generation of officers and aircrew.

Air Officer Commanding 22 Group, Air Vice Marshal Richard Maddison, was the Reviewing Officer at the graduation ceremony on May 6.

Graduating Officers on College Hall Parade Square. | Photo: Gordy Elias/MOD 2021 Crown Copyright

Air Vice-Marshal Maddison and parade execs. | Photo: Gordy Elias/MOD 2021 Crown Copyright

He said: “It is an honour to be back at Cranwell as a Reviewing Officer for the graduation of the third Modularised Initial Officer Training Course and the sixty-fifth Reserve Officer Initial Training Course.

“This course has overcome many challenges, not least in continuing training during this global pandemic, in order to remain able to meet the future needs of the Royal Air Force.

“I am delighted that the students and staff have continued to rise to the task and I should like to congratulate them all as they continue on their own journeys.”

Officer Cadets during their graduation parade at RAF College Cranwell. | Photo: Gordy Elias/MOD 2021 Crown Copyright

Eighty nine Officer Cadets graduated at the ceremony on May 6. | Photo: Gordy Elias/MOD 2021 Crown Copyright

He added: “While it was 1988 when I stood on this parade square for my own graduation, I remember it vividly and with enormous pride.

“It marked not only a personal achievement for all present on that day, including families and staff, but also the start of the next phase of an exciting journey for those of us that graduated.