July 27, 2021 11.44 am This story is over 35 months old

Party gone wrong: Police called to ‘fights, damage and dangerous driving’ in Harmston

Many residents in the village were affected

Police were called to a sleepy village near Lincoln overnight when a house party grew out of control, sparking alleged fights, smashed windows, damage to items in the home and disruption to neighbours.

Several concerned people in Harmston called the force between 10pm and 11pm on Monday, July 26.

Officers attended the party on Vicarage Lane and found around 70 people leaving the area. The force told reporters the party had ‘got out of hand with far more people attending than they believe had been invited.’

Neighbours reported fighting, loud music, windows at the property being smashed and damage to items inside the house.

Police said there were also reports of some of the youths driving, whilst believed to be under the influence of drink or drugs.

Lincolnshire Police told The Lincolnite in a statement: “This anti-social behaviour is unacceptable and disturbed many residents in the area and the village.

“To behave in this way is inconsiderate and shows no respect to people trying to sleep or living in the area.

“Our Neighbourhood Policing Team, for Harmston, will be working with those involved and anyone who has any concerns should contact them.”