July 28, 2021 1.58 pm This story is over 35 months old

University of Lincoln appoints new vice chancellor

Welcome to Lincoln, Neal!

Professor Neal Juster will succeed Mary Stuart as the new vice chancellor at the University Of Lincoln later this year.

Mary Stuart, who became vice chancellor at the university in October 2009, announced back in March she will retire after 12 years at the helm.

Professor Juster has had a distinguished career in higher education spanning more than 30 years, including holding key roles at the universities of Leeds and Strathclyde. He joins Lincoln from the University of Glasgow where he is currently deputy vice chancellor and senior vice principal.

The 59-year-old brings a strong research profile and has written a number of books and papers on the subjects of design education, computer aided design and manufacture, and rapid prototyping.

Professor Juster said: “I am honoured to be invited to lead the University of Lincoln through the next phase of its proud history. The University is vital to the city and its region. It attracts and retains talent, creates jobs, and contributes around £400m to the economy each year.

“Our collective ambition is to make Lincoln an institution of global significance and to build further on the amazing legacy that Professor Stuart has created.”

Diane Lees CBE, director general of the Imperial War Museum and pro chancellor of the University of Lincoln, said: “We are delighted to welcome Neal to Lincoln at this pivotal moment in our institution’s history.

“So much has been achieved by so many committed and talented staff at Lincoln and Neal’s leadership will be crucial to create a vision and set the direction for the next period in our evolution.”

Prof Neal Juster at the University of Lincoln | Photo: UoL

The University of Lincoln has grown in size, subject coverage, research activity and reputation over the past 12 years under Professor Stuart. During this time, the university rose from 117th to 17th in the national league tables. Earlier this year it was named as The Times and Sunday Times Modern University of the Year.

During Mary’s reign, turnover has more than doubled and student intake numbers have also increased significantly. A new building has opened every year for the past decade, culminating with the creation of the Lincoln Medical School in 2021.

On announcing her retirement back in March, she said: “We are a very different university to the one I took on in 2009 but I believe we have held to our values, seeking to support our communities and our students, developing and growing our knowledge to make a difference to our world.

“It is those values that I hold most dear. It is a great pleasure to serve the university and it is an even greater pleasure to work alongside such wonderful colleagues.”