August 23, 2021 3.15 pm This story is over 34 months old

Concerns over 150 home build near Spalding binned off as approval is likely

“Ludicrous” plans back before committee

Plans to build 150 homes in a Spalding village will again be up for approval next week after councillors previously branded them “ludicrous”.

South Holland District Council deferred Persimmon Homes’ plans for land off High Road, Weston, after concerns over the number of private drives, car parking arrangements and the location of the bin collection points.

At the meeting Councillor Roger Gambba-Jones, said they were “a ludicrous design” and that it was “shameful that it’s backed by national planning laws”. He called on members to “fight back” against “the dross”.

Council officers, however, said the principle of development had been established in the Local Plan.

In a report before the council’s planning committee next Wednesday, officers said the only amendments made to the plans since the meeting have been to relocate a bin collection point and to place planting on three sides of each collection point.

They said this will mean all collection points will be opposite sides to any private drives.

“It is the view of officers that the collection points are appropriately sited at a reasonable distance from dwellings and that the proposed landscaping will go some way towards mitigating visual amenity impact,” said the report.

The layout of the Weston development.

They said they could not conclude parking arrangements were unacceptable and that they were “unlikely” to be defendable reasons for refusal.

The development includes 38 homes classed as ‘affordable’ and there will be a mix of one to four bed properties.

The village’s parish council and a number of residents have objected to the plans, citing concerns including over development of the village, the loss of agricultural land and traffic and safety issues.

Spalding MP Sir John Hayes and ward councils have also expressed concerns over the plans.

The developer will also be making a contribution of £760,928 to health and education in the area.