October 1, 2021 12.40 pm This story is over 34 months old

Controversial over 55s park home development in Bardney set to be approved

People are worried it’ll impact the ‘village character’

Plans for a new park home development for over 55s in Bardney is set to get the go ahead next week.

West Lindsey District Council will be asked to approve the proposals from Bowbridge (B&MR) Limited to site 65 park homes on land off Saxon Way in Bardney.

The new homes, defined as caravans, will be restricted to the over 55s and will join a further 98 homes already granted planning permission at the site.

Recommending approval, officers said: “It is considered that the principle of the proposal is acceptable and will… contribute towards the housing supply of central Lincolnshire.

“Following the appraisal of viability the development would provide a negotiated financial contribution to off-site affordable housing and the NHS whilst providing an acceptable level of on-site open space to meet the needs of the occupants alongside existing facilities in the village.

“The development would not have a harmful visual impact on the site or the street scene and would not harm the living conditions of neighbouring dwellings and the future residents.

“It would not have a harmful impact on highway safety, drainage, biodiversity, a minerals resource, archaeology or the public right of way.”

How the homes would be laid out.

The developers say the plans will help to meet the current demand for housing for older people in West Lindsey.

However, objectors to the plans have raised concerns over the density of the site, the lack of parking, the difficulty of enforcing the age limit and the impact on local infrastructure such as health and highways provision.

There are also concerns over the impact on the character of Bardney, which residents said is “a quiet small village with a village atmosphere”.

The developers will be asked to contribute to off-site affordable housing and NHS funding if the proposals are approved as requested.