December 15, 2021 5.57 pm This story is over 37 months old

Lincolnshire councillors and MP meet transport minister to claw back roads funding cut

£12.3m wanted back for fixing potholes

Lincolnshire councillors and MPs lobbied a the Transport Minister in a bid to recoup more than £12 million of funding cuts to road repairs budgets.

Lincoln MP Karl McCartney joined a several Lincolnshire MPs alongside Lincolnshire County Council leader, Councillor Martin Hill and executive councillor for highways Richard Davies in a meeting with Transport Minister (with responsibility for roads) Baroness Vere

They discussed on Wednesday the negative impact of the 25% cuts (£12.3 million) to the county’s road maintenance budget for this year.

The county council fears that if the budget cut continues for the next three years, around 72,000 potholes could be left unfilled or 111 miles of road left unrepaired.

Cllr Martin Hill,Leader of Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Our meeting with Karl went very well, and he’s pledged his support in helping us get our roads maintenance grant reinstated to what it was before the 25% cut we saw earlier this year.“We’re also working with other MPs throughout the county in our fight to encourage government to fix our funds so we can fix our roads.

“We can’t fill this funding gap forever and without the £12 million that was cut, there would be 24,000 fewer potholes filled and 37 fewer miles of crumbling road rebuilt.

“This is why it’s so important for us all to work together in order to get this missing money back from government.”

Roads could be left unrepaired and potholes unfilled if money isn’t given back MPs and council leaders say.

Prior to the meeting, Mr McCartney, said: “I am pleased that the government has agreed  to listen to the serious concerns that we have about this unjustified cut in the County’s  road maintenance budget, and I have asked direct Parliamentary Questions recently on this issue, of both the Prime Minister and the Treasury Ministers.

“Just at the time when we need to be investing in our road network to ensure we maximise our chances of growing the county’s economy, these cuts send the wrong message and will actually store up bigger problems for the future.

“The case is clear and my colleagues and I look forward to putting our message across to the minister so that these cuts in our road maintenance budget are reinstated.”

Last Friday, Lincolnshire County Council has approved a motion calling on the government to give back money taken from its road maintenance budget this year.

The authority received £39 million in February compared to £51 million last year.

This year the funding gap was filled through use of the council’s reserve money and underspends from the previous year.