January 28, 2022 6.00 pm This story is over 36 months old

Developers’ 50-home plan for Lincoln village back up for approval after site visit

Councillors went to see concerns for themselves

Developers’ plans to build nearly 50 homes in a Lincoln village – delayed for a site visit by councillors – are back up for approval on Wednesday.

Lindum and Acis Group’s plans for 49 homes off Hawks Road, in Welton, appeared before the West Lindsey District Council’s planning committee at the beginning of January.

The discussion was almost scuppered by a complaint, however progressed only to be deferred as members wished to visit the site.

Recommending approval, officers said the plans, which will include a mix of houses as well as bungalows for over 55s along with 12 homes classed as affordable, would provide “effective” use of the land and not create “unacceptable harm”.

The site is allocated for housing in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Mark Foster, land and planning director at Lindum Homes told the previous meeting the quality of houses was “vitally important” and the layout of the development was “extremely low density – incorporating more open space than required by planning policy”.


How the site could be laid out.

Objectors to the plans, however, said they presented a risk of overdevelopment and would have a long-term risk to the village infrastructure as well as biodiversity, residential amenity, the character of the village and highway safety.

Resident Nigel Heward, said existing infrastructure was “not fit for purpose” and that a lack of footpath provision at the proposed entry was “an accident waiting to happen”.

Lincolnshire County Council, as statutory consultees on highways, had not lodged any objections, but councillors wanted to see the situation for themselves.

As part of the plans the developers will be asked to make a £30,992.50 contribution to Welton Surgery so it can reconfigure its existing layout to create a larger clinical space and more flexibility to manage the projected patient increase.