April 14, 2022 12.30 pm This story is over 26 months old

Council steps in to deny done decision on Long Leys allotments plans

Allotment holders and residents association in fight over plans

The City of Lincoln Council has denied any decision has been made about plans to build a shop, community centre and plant “growing centre” on a number of Long Leys allotments.

The authority has found itself caught in a dispute between allotment holders and some residents and the Long Leys Residents Association about the latter’s proposal to use an acre of land  to create a “village centre” development which it believes will address some of the community’s needs for the next 20 to 40 years.

The project, which could be built using the Government’s Community Right to Build Scheme, potentially allowing it to bypass a decision by the planning authority through the use of a community referendum, would use up to 10 plots.

Holders fear this will wipe out years of dedicated work cultivating their land as well as raised concerns over loss of space and wildlife habitat.

The city council, which owns the land, has now issued a statement clarifying some of the current positions, including statements by both parties which it said were “incorrect”.

It is understood the authority has already been accused of the project being a “done deal”.

Its statement said: “The city council has not made any decisions regarding the proposals and are awaiting extensive details prior to further conversations with all parties.”

It said there were strict criteria and a number of hoops to jump through before that could happen including a robust business case, support from the local community and the satisfaction of both an external planning inspector and the Secretary of State.

The Residents Association has said in previous statements that allotment provision in the city was poor, however, the statement from the City of Lincoln Council said: “Waiting lists exist in a number of our allotment sites, including Long Leys.”

It is also understood the association would have to obtain the land from the city council before work could begin.

For more information on the campaign email [email protected] or visit the Facebook group Save Our  Allotments – Long Leys Road, Lincoln.

For details on the project itself click here.