May 20, 2022 8.53 am This story is over 25 months old

Maternity visiting restrictions ease in Lincoln and Boston

Changes come in from today

Visiting hours for maternity services at Lincoln and Boston hospitals will be increasing from today.

Lincoln County Hospital and Boston Pilgrim Hospital have been operating restricted visiting hours for more than two years now, to help combat the spread of COVID-19 during the global pandemic.

But from Friday, May 20 more people will be allowed to visit their relatives. Up to two birth partners will be allowed in the Labour Ward 24/7, and in the Maternity Ward one birth partner will be allowed between 11am and 8pm, as well as up to two grandparents or siblings between 2pm-4pm or 6pm-8pm, by appointment only.

The Neonatal Unit will have open access to both parents, however grandparents and siblings can make an appointment to visit

Any appointments must be made in advance with the ward – this is to ensure spacing of the visiting appointments. For Lincoln, contact the Labour Ward on 01522 573140, the Maternity Ward on 01522 573134 and the Neonatal Unit is on 01522 573604. In Boston, the Labour Ward is on 01205 445424, the Maternity Ward is 01205 44529 / 445427 and the Neonatal Unit can be reached at 01205 445404.