August 23, 2022 11.12 am This story is over 28 months old

Lincoln’s Sam Scorer Gallery to close after 20 years

A big blow for local artists

A gallery in Lincoln which has showcased the work of local artists for over 20 years will close next month.

The Sam Scorer Gallery on Drury Lane said new unnamed owners will be taking over the building in early September.

It is not yet clear how the building will be used in future.

Little Acorns by the Dunholem Camera Club will be the last at the gallery show. It runs until September 3, 2022.

The gallery is run by registered charity The Gallery Arts Trust, which has always described itself as “dedicated to creating and maintaining an accessible and contemporary facility in which local artists are able to exhibit their work.”

It said: “Thanks are due to the Scorer family who allowed us the free use of the building for over 20 years.

“And special thanks are owed to all the artists who have shown at this building and all of their visitors. They leave a legacy of memories which will be the enduring inheritance of the gallery.

“Please come along and support the show and the gallery for the last time.”