September 23, 2022 4.36 pm This story is over 23 months old

North Hykeham bypass priority project in government growth plan

Project could be accelerated

A government “growth plan” launched on Friday highlighted a £212 million Lincolnshire road project as one which needs “accelerating”.

Under a list of schemes the government considers high priority in order to promote sustainable growth, the North Hykeham Relief Road is described as an “infrastructure project which will be accelerated as fast as possible, aiming to get the vast majority starting construction by the end of 2023”.

“These projects may benefit from acceleration through planning reform, regulatory reform, improved processes or other options to speed up their development and construction, including through development consent processes,” said the document.

The North Hykeham Relief Road is hoping to submit a planning application next year and start construction in 2025 without the government support, linking the A46 Pennells Roundabout to the Lincoln Eastern Bypass – completing the ring road around Lincoln.

It is estimated to cost between £179 and £212 million, and bosses have previously said they want it to open by November 2028.

The news of its inclusion in the announcement was welcomed by Lincolnshire County Council bosses.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways said: “The announcement from the Chancellor is welcome news for our extensive work on the North Hykeham Relief Road and to have the project highlighted in such a way bodes well for continuing progress in the immediate future.

“Anything that helps us to bring forward much needed investment for the county is great news for residents and businesses alike.”

Detailed plan for the North Hykeham Relief Road. | Image: LCC

Sleaford MP Dr Caroline Johnson said she was “delighted” by the inclusion of the project.

Also listed in the Growth Plan 2022 are Investment Zones in North and North East Lincolnshire. Investment zones are areas which will include time-limited tax reliefs and a relaxation of certain planning rules.

Lincolnshire County Council’s economy and environment portfolio holder Colin Davie, welcoming the budget announced by government earlier today, said he hoped those could be expanded across the whole of Greater Lincolnshire.