September 5, 2022 4.30 pm This story is over 26 months old

Reduced opening hours for Pinchbeck shop over traffic worries

A councillor warned it was an “inappropriate location”

A convenience shop that raised traffic concerns has been granted a licence with reduced hours.

Pinchbeck Stores is located on the town’s busy Church Street.

South Holland District Council’s licensing committee heard objections from residents and ward Councillor James Avery over the location.

The convenience store has been granted permission to operate between 8.30am and 5.30pm, rather than 6am to midnight.

Permission to supply alcohol has also been limited to 10am to 5.30pm.

The committee’s verdict says it hopes the reduced hours will address residents’ fears.

The meeting heard a wide range of concerns, from the risk of children buying alcohol to the potential danger to people waiting at the nearby bus stop.

“The panel considered that some of the considerations were speculative, and had a little weight in terms of the licensing objectives individually. However, collectively they had some relevance in terms of public safety and the prevention of public nuisance,” the verdict says.

The former kitchen showroom where the licence application has been made for | Photo: Google

“The panel considered that the conditions agreed with the police and the reduced spending times and supply of alcohol would address these issues.”

Deliveries are only to be allowed during working hours to reduce traffic disruption, and low level lighting will be installed around the building.

The applicant has also agreed to suggestions from the police around CCTV and the training of staff members.

Ward Councillor James Avery previously said in his written objection that the store was an “inappropriate location” with “great potential for causing traffic issues”.

A member of the public also said: “The access and egress to the front of the premises is extremely limited. This could lead to accidents for both pedestrians using the pavement, people using the pedestrian crossing and also the vehicles using Church Street.”