October 19, 2022 9.56 pm This story is over 22 months old

‘Unsightly’ Swinderby factory finally set for redevelopment

Villagers are keen to see the vacant site back in use

An ‘unsightly’ former factory site could finally be redeveloped into an ‘attractive’ housing estate.

The Produce World Store site in Swinderby has been vacant since 2015, despite several attempts to bring  it back into use.

Peter Sowerby Homes has submitted plans to build 148 properties there, including affordable and elderly homes.

The eight hectare site on Moor Lane is described as “unsightly, noisy, large commercial business that to many is spoiling the beauty and character of the village.”

A previous application from another developer granted permission for 120 homes five years ago, but never came to fruition.

Peter Sowerby Homes says it has made made a number of improvements to the designs since purchasing the site three years ago.

The latest plans for the Swinderby factory site | Photo: Peter Sowerby Homes

The latest scheme includes a village green to provide a focal point, and a village shop.

Space will no longer be allocated to a school extension after public consultations indicated that it wasn’t needed.

The planning application says it is “an excellent opportunity to turn the unsightly site in an attractive development for the benefit of the village of Swinderby, which will be a huge positive improvement from what exists on the site today.”

It describes the area as “a large brownfield site, with heaps of materials, mainly silt and gravel, dumped all over, including overgrown weeds and brambles.”

There are a number of steel buildings, office blocks and loading bays still standing.

The site was bought by Produce World in 2014 but quickly became “surplus to requirements” and was left vacant.

The site has been described as ‘unsightly’, and villagers are keen to see it redeveloped | Photo: Google

When no other buyer could be found, the company agreed to look at a residential development instead.

Power Sowerby Homes says it has worked closely with the Swinderby community bring the plans forward, carrying out several consultations.

If approved, it has agreed to make a £150,000 financial donation for play areas, open space and other village projects.

The plan would include 21 two-bedroom, 53 three-bedrooms and 71 four-bedroom homes.

Plans have been submitted to North Kesteven District Council, and will be decided at a later date.