November 3, 2022 6.30 am This story is over 21 months old

Keen interest in Skegness development opportunities

They could bring more attractions and facilities to the town

There’s strong interest in five prime Skegness sites, the council says.

An “encouraging amount” of potential investors have enquired about the sites along the coastline.

The Skegness Foreshore Masterplan hopes to see improvements to these areas, which include the boating lake, unused chalets, and the former festival pavilion site.

It’s hoped they could be developed into new attractions and facilities which would draw people to the town.

East Lindsey District Council has announced that they received plenty of enquiries during the initial period.

A shortlist will be drawn up, with these developers asked to provide more detailed expressions of interest.

A council spokesperson said: “East Lindsey District Council is delighted to have received a strong level of commercial interest following the marketing of five prime sites on Skegness foreshore through Banks Long & Co.

Part of the development opportunity at Skegness foreshore sees potential for a new pavilion overlooking the southern boating lake. | Photo: Pygott & Crone

“Following a number of conversations and meetings over the last six weeks, the council has received an encouraging amount of registered interests from a range of potential developers and operators looking to bring forward new investment, facilities and attractions to Skegness.

“The council would like to thank all those enquirers who have submitted an interest. The council will now take time to consider the responses in more detail before a shortlist is put together.

“From November 14, those shortlisted will be formally invited to submit more detailed expressions of interest by January 31, 2023 with ongoing support from Banks Long & Co and ELDC on technical matters.

“The final selection of a preferred development partner for each lot will then be subject to further consultation and agreement via the local authority planning process.”

Exciting plans for the boating lake. | Photo: Pygott & Crone

The five lots are:

  • Lot 1 – Skegness chalet site – The site has detailed planning consent for 16 seasonal overnight lodges and reception buildings.
  • Lot 2 – Southern Bowling Green – Two former bowling greens with road fronting Princes Parade next to the main vehicular access to the Pavilion Car Park.
  • Lot 3 – Southern Boating Lake – The Southern Boating Lake, including the central island and surrounding walkways, internal bridges and terraced seating.
  • Lot 4 – Former Festival Pavilion site – This is earmarked within the Skegness Foreshore Masterplan for some form of commercial, landmark development, potentially offering high level views across Skegness.
  • Lot 5 – Pier Field Chalets – The site currently comprises a suite of 24 disused former chalets and facilities on land next to Skegness Pier, Pier Field and the foreshore waterway.