November 16, 2022 6.00 pm This story is over 21 months old

Online Tarot Card reader Melanie Dunn: Your November tarotscope

Read your tarotscope for this month

Tarot card reader Melanie Dunn is offering you the opportunity to take part in an online Tarot Card reading, to be published in The Lincolnite! If you would like to tell her a little bit about yourself, a problem or life milestone you are facing, you can email [email protected]. Those taking part can be anonymous if preferred.

Here’s a little introduction from Melanie, and a first horoscope for Lincolnshire this month.

I have been reading the Tarot cards for almost 20 years and what was once just a fascinating hobby, has now become an extension of me. During lockdown I honed my abilities further under the mentorship of the world renowned psychic medium Richard Knight.

By combining the ancient wisdom of the Tarot and my own highly developed intuition, I can access insights and guidance to help you navigate your way through life revealing paths you might not have noticed or shining a light on a way forward when life feels like it’s impossible. Everyone has their own inner knowing and it’s my job to re-connect my clients with it.

We can take this one step further into a series of transformational life coaching sessions using the Tarot, helping you to gain insights into your life.. who you really are… the person you want to become.. discovering your own potential and gaining clarity around your life’s purpose.

Whilst I read for people all over the world online, which, by the way, makes no difference to the accuracy of the reading, I still like to read for people face-to-face in and around Lincoln where I live. I am also happy to liven up your next birthday party, corporate event or girls night in with an evening of extrasensory entertainment giving short back-to-back readings.

Lincolnshire’s Tarotscope for November:

SCORPIO – THE NINE OF SWORDS Your plans are going well and you will be on your way to reaching the goals you have set yourself this month. Think baby steps and celebrate any progress you have made no matter how small.

SAGITTARIUS – THE KNIGHT OF PENTACLES Business matters are taking a turn for the good and will be moving forward for you this month. If they are not moving forward then ask yourself “Am I over-thinking this? What have I got to lose by doing it anyway?”

CAPRICORN – THE SIX OF PENTACLES You may be feeling a financial squeeze at the moment, as most of us are but dear Capricorns persevere in your efforts to gain financial rewards because if one door closes another one will open. Stay focused and positive.

AQUARIUS – THE SEVEN OF PENTACLES This is the month when gaining experience in something you set your mind to will be very beneficial. This might be a new hobby, a new opportunity to try something new in your job or business, researching a holiday or a house move.

PISCES – THE TWO OF WANDS You’ve got an important decision to make. Think about each option to assess which one energizes you the most. Let your feelings help to guide you as this isn’t about which option makes sense on paper.

ARIES – THE SUN This month take the opportunity to kick back and give yourself a break. Life has been tough for you recently so self-care is now needed. Give yourself permission to rest and relax and restore your energy levels.

TAURUS – THE FOUR OF CUPS – November promises to give you some peace as you’ve been struggling with a lot of emotional upheaval recently. Take the opportunity to strengthen the sense of calm so that you can remain grounded in the future.

GEMINI – STRENGTH – If you really think about it you know the solution to the problem that has been vexing you. It is within your control so trust that you have the wisdom to do the right thing for you and for everybody else that’s involved.

CANCER – THE ACE OF PENTACLES – You have had a new idea. This is a great time to look into a new exercise regime, progress a project at work, re-structure your finances or re-organize a room in your house.

LEO – THE KNIGHT OF WANDS – if something is worth doing it’s worth doing well so put your heart and soul into the task that is in front of you to move things forward and inspire everyone around you to do the same.

VIRGO – THE WORLD – You have reached a high point in something that you have been working on for a while now. Bask in the feeling of fulfillment and the balance it has brought into your life before you move onto the next venture.

LIBRA – TEMPERANCE – If you have embarked on a new friendship or a new relationship in your personal or work life recently, just be a little bit cautious and make sure the person is being authentic before letting your guard down.

Melanie has been reading the Tarot cards for almost 20 years. During lockdown she honed her abilities further under the mentorship of the world renowned psychic medium Richard Knight. By combining the ancient wisdom of the Tarot and her own highly developed intuition, she can access insights and guidance to help you navigate your way through life revealing paths you might not have noticed or shining a light on a way forward when life feels like it’s impossible. While she reads for people all over the world online, she still likes to read for people face-to-face in and around Lincoln where she lives.