January 18, 2023 10.24 am This story is over 19 months old

Call for better Lincoln council housing as rent increases by 6.5%

All but two councillors backed the rise

Council property rent in Lincoln will go up by 6.5%, but councillors have called for better service for tenants.

Monthly rent will increase by around £17 to £26 depending on property size.

The revised rents will come in from Monday, April 3.

The cost of renting council garages will also go up by 5%.

The council report says it is conscious of the pressure faced by all households but was under financial pressure to continue delivering services.

The increase for social housing is lower than the maximum increase of 7%.

The Conservatives backed the Labour group’s motion at a full council meeting on Tuesday. However, they said that the level of service needed to improve.

The rise was approved at a City of Lincoln full council meeting | Photo: LDRS

Conservative leader Councillor Thomas Dyer told the meeting: “I understand the rise given the demand and increased costs, but we do need to raise standards.

“There are residents in my ward who haven’t spoken to a housing officer in two years. They booked an appointment but the officer never contacted them.

“There are also garages that have become drug dens or are poorly maintained.

“If we support this rise, improvements have to be made in basic levels of service.”

How much rent will rise by for social housing in Lincoln | Photo: City of Lincoln Council

The two Liberal Democrat members voted against the increase.

Councillor Martin Christopher said after the meeting that they were unhappy with the existing level of property maintenance.

He shared details of a council-owned garage which he claimed included asbestos and the “framework is rotting to point of near collapse”.

“Reported in July – Not fixed. Should they pay 6.5% more?” He tweeted.

Councillor Clare Smalley said: “While I understand council costs are rising, I voted against the rent increase tonight, as the increase will hit many of our families who are ready struggling with the cost of living crisis.”

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