January 27, 2023 5.00 pm This story is over 24 months old

New Lincoln hospital resuscitation ward brings life-saving care

A brand new £5.6m facility

A new resuscitation department will soon be treating the sickest emergency patients at Lincoln County Hospital.

The £5.6m facility has eight treatment cubicles with state of the art equipment.

It will enable staff to deliver life-saving treatment as soon as patients arrive at Lincoln A&E.

Patients will be brought straight from the ambulance bays outside, over a new weighing bridge, and into cubicles.

The facility replaces the department’s four smaller treatment cubicles.

Andrew Morgan, Chief Executive of United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We hope that people don’t need the services here, but if they do, they will be in the very best hands.

Patients will be brought straight in from ambulance bays outside | Photo: LDRS/The Lincolnite

“This the very top-end of the A&E department for the most seriously ill patients, with state of the art resuscitation equipment and facilities.

“Patients will be moved from an ambulance to begin treatment very quickly.

“The fantastic facility will also help with recruitment and retention of staff.”

The new building is located alongside the emergency department where ambulance bays used to be.

The rooms are also better set-up to care for infectious conditions such as flu and Covid-19.

A family room offers relatives a quiet space, with an adjoining room where a departed or critically-ill loved one can be brought in.

Dave Flynn, emergency medication consultant said: “The much bigger rooms allow all the necessary surgical and medical teams to treat the patient at once. I’m looking forward to working in the department.

“If the worst does happen, we have a private family room to offer relatives dignity and privacy during the difficult time. It’s never going to be a pleasant experience, but we want to do everything we can.”

Eight new large resuscitation bays have been created | Photo: LDRS/The Lincolnite

The new building has been in the works for two years, with construction taking place over the last year.

It is expected to come into use within weeks.

The resuscitation department follows the hospital’s £3.5million Urgent Treatment Centre, which opened in March 2021.

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