March 7, 2023 5.00 pm This story is over 17 months old

Claims that senior Boston councillor verbally abused taxi driver

Allegations were raised during a full council meeting

A senior Boston councillor has reportedly been caught on camera verbally attacking a taxi driver due to political differences, it has been claimed.

A full council meeting heard that dashcam footage allegedly exists of the incident, but the footage hasn’t been shared with The Lincolnite.

The councillor supposedly involved wasn’t named at the Boston Borough Council meeting on Monday.

The licensing committee has been made aware of the reported incident, although a formal complaint hasn’t been made.

However, councillors have called for dashcams to be mandatory in order to protect drivers from similar incidents.

Conservative Councillor Tom Ashton raised the issue to Councillor Frank Picket, who chairs the licensing committee.

“I am as aware, as you are, of dashcam footage allegedly existing of one of our licensed taxi drivers being subjected to verbal abuse by a very senior member of this council on account of historic political difference,” he said.

“Recognising the absolute importance to give protection to our drivers, would you please raise with officers whether audiovisual recording equipment could be made mandatory for all Boston’s licensed vehicles to give them the protection they might need?”

It is understood the alleged event happened while the taxi driver was working in the early morning and that they were referred to by an insulting name.

Councillor Pickett told members there was no current policy requirements for dashcams to be fitted in licensed vehicles.

However, he said: “In respect of licensed drivers, they are all subject to six monthly DBS checks and are expected to operate in accordance with this Authority’s Code of Conduct for licensed drivers.”

He told councillors he would be working with officers to look at Councillor Ashton’s request.

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