June 16, 2023 4.00 pm This story is over 19 months old

Local businessman Steff Wright takes the helm of the Climate Party UK

From construction to climate politics

Steff Wright, a prominent local businessman, has recently been appointed as the Interim Party Chairman of the Climate Party UK.

Known for his sustainable approach in the construction industry, Steff is now set to lead the green revolution in the political arena.

The Climate Party UK, founded by Ed Gemmell (pictured left alongside Steff, promoting the Climate and Ecology Bill) and a group of individuals disillusioned after the COP26 conference, aims to fill the gap left by the two main political parties in delivering solutions to the climate crisis.

In an interview with The Lincolnite, Steff Wright explained the party’s unique position. “Unlike the Conservative Party, we aren’t controlled by the fossil fuel industry and development industry lobbyists. Unlike the Labour Party we aren’t controlled by large unions who are resistant to change,” he said.

Steff Wright’s personal and business objectives align with the Climate Party’s goals. His company, Gusto Group, operates in construction and manufacturing, sectors that face significant challenges in achieving net-zero emissions. Wright believes that the government should understand entrepreneurial business and create a policy framework that enables businesses to invest in solutions to reach net-zero emissions by 2030.

As the Interim Party Chairman, Wright sees his role as providing strategic business leadership to the organisation. He is optimistic about the party’s prospects in the upcoming elections.

“I wouldn’t be taking on the role unless I thought we could win seats,” he asserted. The party plans to field 110 candidates for the general election, with a final decision to be made after the Uxbridge by-election.

But would Steff Wright run for public office himself? “I don’t see myself as a politician, my skills are better deployed giving business leadership to the organisation,” he said.

“We have some excellent and knowledgeable volunteers and an enthusiastic, passionate leader in Ed Gemmell. My role is to help the party to grow from a start-up to a successful organisation. ”

Steff Wright’s journey towards sustainable building and homes began following the first climate conference in Rio in 1992. This interest has been a key factor in his decision-making in both his business and personal life ever since.

He expressed disappointment with the current government’s approach to the green agenda, stating, “no governments have done anywhere near enough to unlock the innovative capabilities of the British people.”

Gousto Group is also transitioning towards employee ownership. Founders Steff and Jerome Wright have offered their 180-strong workforce the option to become shareholders in the Collingham-based company.

They are also currently seeking B-Corp certification – a gold standard for companies with robust social and environmental responsibility agendas. This step forms a crucial part of Gusto’s ambition to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.