September 19, 2014 4.28 pm This story is over 119 months old

University of Lincoln drops ranks in Sunday Times guide

Universities measured: The University of Lincoln’s place in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide fell for the second consecutive year, while Bishop Grosseteste rose four places.

The University of Lincoln’s place in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide fell for the second consecutive year to 60th, while Bishop Grosseteste was placed at 102nd.

The table, which originated in 1993, is a comprehensible guide to higher education in Britain and ranks universities based on their performance in a number of key undergraduate areas.

There are more than 60 subject tables highlighting centres of excellence. They are based on student satisfaction, entry standards, research quality and graduate prospects.

The University of Lincoln was ranked 60th in the 2015 table. The ranking marks a fall of three places from the year previous.

However, the university also scored a student satisfaction average of 82.9% – a 31-place climb to 46th in the UK.

The proportion of graduates in professional jobs or graduate-level study was revealed as 67.6%, and the average amount spent on facilities per student was £1,450.

In The Guardian‘s league table in June this year, the University of Lincoln fell from 56th place to 65th.

Elly Sample, Director of Communications, Development and Marketing at the University of Lincoln, said: “Our overall ranking has dropped slightly this year, however, the guide’s ‘facilities spend per student’ category does not account for any of the significant investment that the University of Lincoln has made to its physical facilities in the last year.

“Specifically, creating the state-of-the-art Joseph Banks Laboratories to house the Schools of Pharmacy and Chemistry within our new multi-million pound Science and Innovation Park.

“This includes a £6.8 million grant from the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) which proves the confidence funders have in the university to respond directly to the needs of local, regional and national employers.

“In addition, the university has a 10 year masterplan with a further projected £150million spend.

“Our commitment to our students is clear. We will continue to invest in our infrastructure and facilities, providing the best possible environment to allow our students and academics to work in world-class facilities now and in the future.”

Creeping up

This year’s guide will mark Bishop Grosseteste University’s second ranking, after it gained its university status in 2012.

Bishop Grosseteste gained a 102nd place ranking, from 106th last year.

The university scored a student satisfaction rating of 83.9%, 67% of graduates were in a professional job or further study and £446 was spent on facilities per student.

Rob Jones, Director of Enterprise at Bishop Grosseteste University, said: “Small universities like BGU are disadvantaged by the metrics used by newspaper league tables and we do not believe that this ranking reflects the quality of the student experience here.

“For example, our institutional figure for the proportion of graduates employed or in further study is 96.5%, but the way this league table is put together means the figure given by The Times is 67%.

“We have recently invested £7 million in our on-campus facilities and as part of our ambitious five-year strategic plan we are broadening our portfolio of courses to make them even more relevant to students and employers.”

In the East Midlands, the University of Lincoln and Bishop Grosseteste ranked 6th and 8th. Loughborough University came top, with an overall UK place of 13th.