August 31, 2016 3.46 pm This story is over 96 months old

Last chance to see Poppies: Wave at Lincoln Castle

There are just four days left to see the Poppies: Wave sculpture at Lincoln Castle. The poppies are in the castle grounds until Sunday, September 4 before they move to another city on their tour, which runs until 2018. The sculpture is one of two from the installation ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’ housed at…

There are just four days left to see the Poppies: Wave sculpture at Lincoln Castle.

The poppies are in the castle grounds until Sunday, September 4 before they move to another city on their tour, which runs until 2018.

The sculpture is one of two from the installation ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’ housed at HM Tower of London in 2014.

Since the installation of 5,500 ceramic poppies arrived at Lincoln Castle on May 26, 487,138 people have visited.

It is estimated that this figure will reach 500,000 by the end of Wednesday, August 31.

Lincoln Castle was the only place in England where the poppies are on show this year. After the tour, presented by 14-18 NOW, the installation will be gifted to the Imperial War Museums.

Nearly half a million visitors have gone to see the poppy wave so far. Photo: Sophie Bee

Michele Sims, visitor services manager at The Lincoln Visitor Information Centre told The Lincolnite: “It’s exceeded expectations, people have come from all over. Some people have seen it by chance, some people have purposely come to see it and some have followed the tour and seen it at different venues.”

Photo: Jason Paul Corrigan

Photo: Jason Paul Corrigan

Jean and Keith Brown from Cherry Willingham saw the wave for the first time today. They said: “It’s quite impressive. If it came back another year we’d come and see them again.”

Dave Ballantine, 64, from Wellton also visited the poppies for the first time. They said: “We’ve been meaning to come for a few months now. If you’re a local person you go a long distance to see other places but never stay in your local area and see the sites.”

A wide selection of handmade, locally produced gifts are on offer at Lincoln Castle. Photo: Sophie Bee

A wide selection of handmade, locally produced gifts are on offer at Lincoln Castle. Photo: Sophie Bee

There are also poppy-themed gifts available to buy at the castle gift shop and the Lincoln Visitor Information Centre. Most of the items are handmade locally by artists such as Margaret Corringham, and Gillian Beale. In addition, people can buy locally produced beer from 8 Sail Brewery in Heckington.

The castle grounds are open from 10am-5pm every day and are free to enter.

Boost in tourism

Local businesses said they have benefited from Poppies: Wave and the Lincoln Barons Charter Trail event last year.

Lucy Barnard, owner of Forty Four gift shop on Steep Hill said: “I think both years have been busy because of events so it’s good to have something going on in the area.

“There’s been a lot of people who have never actually been to Lincoln before who have read about the poppies online. A lot of people have said that they want to return again for the Christmas market.”

Claire Taylor, owner of Top to Bottom accessories, also on Steep Hill said that summer is usually a busy time of year in her business, often due to the events at the castle.

“I love the fact that we have these events, I think they’re really good for the city”.

She added that there can be parking problems at this time of year, “I have found that some of my regular customers can’t park and this can be an issue.”

If you have visited the Poppy Wave at the Lincoln Castle and want to share your photos, either comment below or email us at [email protected].