October 10, 2017 4.18 pm This story is over 82 months old

Students team up with Springwatch presenter Chris Packham to explore Lincoln’s natural world

Springwathch presenter Chris Packham was at the University of Lincoln today helping students find more out about the nature and wildlife in the area. The 56-year-old taught students from Lincoln UTC and Natural Science undergraduates, as they took part in a variety of activities from finding animals in ponds to sampling invertebrates. As part of…

Springwathch presenter Chris Packham was at the University of Lincoln today helping students find more out about the nature and wildlife in the area.

The 56-year-old taught students from Lincoln UTC and Natural Science undergraduates, as they took part in a variety of activities from finding animals in ponds to sampling invertebrates.

As part of the BioBlitz event, students were told to go out into the Brayford Pool area and find as many living things that they could compare to last year’s event.

Chris, the university’s visiting professor in the School of Life Sciences, told The Lincolnite: “The BioBlitz is a sort of audit and we’re trying to count the different living things that we can find on the university campus.

“We did [a BioBlitz] before, and we found quite a surprising amount of diversity, many things you wouldn’t imagine would live here at all.

“A lot of young people here are encountering things for the first time with things they haven’t seen before, and it’s always really exciting.

18-year-old University of Lincoln student, Tom Dixon, said: “We’ve found loads of different invertebrates from spiders, snails, slugs and beetles.

“We’ve brought them back here and tried to identify them and compare them to the specimens we already have here.”