May 16, 2018 4.24 pm This story is over 75 months old

Vandalised Lincoln murals fixed

Lincoln pride won’t be knocked

A mural of famous Lincoln landmarks has been fixed after it was targeted by mindless vandals.

The paintings were finished three weeks ago as part of a project to brighten up the Glory Hole riverside walkway in the city centre.

But to the dismay of artists and residents, they were defaced by graffiti this week.  

Photo: The Lincolnite

After a story on The Lincolnite, the community rallied in their numbers to condemn graffiti which has appeared in areas of the city.

It’s now been cleaned and touched up, but the incident was the tip of the iceberg for many fed-up of senseless ‘tagging’.

Pauline Wilcox said: “If they ever catch who is doing it, make them clean it off with a toothbrush.”

John Dwane added: “I tend to feel sorry for the people who get a kick out of spoiling nice things, so preventing others from enjoying them.”

Andrew Bailie, an artist who worked with local students on the project previously told The Lincolnite he isn’t against graffiti, but tagging had no artistic merit or political message.

He said he wanted to speak with the vandal responsible to find out how it could be stopped.