May 4, 2010 6.11 pm This story is over 171 months old

Lincoln City Radio to broadcast for over 50s

25 years in the making: Lincoln’s second community radio station, Lincoln City Radio, started blasting through the city’s airwaves.

Lincoln City Radio becomes the city’s second community radio station, as it starts broadcasting on 103.6FM beginning May 4th. The station will target an audience of people aged 50+, and will play the classic music of seven decades up to 1980.
The station will rely mainly on advertising revenue and grant aid from Lincolnshire County Council, and there will be no current chart programmes — because the station’s Ofcom licence is for music up to 1980 and an adult easy listening playlist.

Lincoln City Radio has been in the making for 25 years, since founder Ray Drury began lobbying government to introduce community radio into the UK. His dream came true some four years ago when the government announced the introduction of community radio across the country.

For almost two years, a studio in The Terrace, Grantham Street, has been equipped for Lincoln City Radio. Volunteer presenters and researchers were recruited and trained by project manager John Walton and former chairman Chris Taylor.

Recent changes at boardroom level resulted with former Lincoln Jobcentre Manager, Michael Richards joining as Chairman, Roger Millett continuing as Company Secretary, John Walton moving into the Director of Programmes role, Keith Atkins adopting the Management Services directorship and Alan Ritson being appointed as Director of Revenue Generation

“Getting the station on air has been a long, hard struggle and we must not forget the sacrifices and tremendous efforts of Ray Drury, Harry Whitmarsh, Chris Taylor and John Walton, whose energies have carried us through to this wonderful day!  It is only a great pity that Ray Drury, our founder is not here to see this day,” said Michael Richards.

“The station is run by volunteers who have worked tirelessly through many disappointments […] Listeners must not expect the highly polished delivery of our senior stations in the city, but they will be pleasantly surprised by the progress our presenters will make in the early months, ” Richards added.

Lincoln City Radio is Lincoln’s second community radio station, as Siren, housed by the University of Lincoln, has been broadcasting for some time on 107.3FM. The station still looking to train more volunteers as presenters and programme researchers — anyone interested should contact the studio on 01522 845 101.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Tom Ladlow via The Linc