November 16, 2018 2.12 pm This story is over 69 months old

Plaque to honour Beechey family sacrifice

Their memory will live on in Lincoln

The memory of The Beechey Family, who lost five sons in the First World War, is set to be permanently honoured as plans have been submitted for a commemorative plaque in Lincoln.

Eight boys from the family fought in the Great War, but only three returned home.

The story of the five brothers, Harold, Charles, Frank, Barnard and Leonard has been told and recognised around the world.

Now, plans have been lodged by City of Lincoln Council to commemorate Amy Beechey and her sons at Arboretum Lodge, Monks Road.

The eight Beechey brothers. From the top left: Leonard, Christopher, Eric, Samuel, Barnard, Charles, Frank and Harold.

The plaque will honour the memory of the family who lived on nearby Avondale Street in the city.

It will commemorate the sacrifice the family made and be placed in the Arboretum where they enjoyed many walks.

The move comes as the city council recently approved plans for a new blue plaque scheme across the city to honour forgotten historic figures.

Amy and Reverend Prince William Thomas Beechey lost all five of their sons in World War I:

  • Sgt. Barnard Reeve Beechey, who died September 25, 1915
  • 2nd/LT. Frank Collett Reeve Beechey, who died November 14, 1916
  • L/CPl. Harold Reeve Beechey, who died April 10, 1917
  • PTE. Charles Reeve Beechey, who died October 20, 1917
  • RF/M Leonard Reeve Beechey, who died December 29, 1917

Amy Beechey’s grave in Newport Cemetery, Lincoln Photo: Joe Cooke

Last year, a BBC Radio Lincolnshire project saw crosses crafted from Lincoln Cathedral limestone and placed at locations around the world to honour the five boys.

Ahead of the centenary of the end of the First World War, the crosses were sent to Europe, east Africa and Australia.

A final cross was laid in the church of Friesthorpe where the family grew up.

Letters detailing the devastating toll on the family survive to this day and have been made into a play, The Last Post, which has been performed at the Drill Hall.

Petitions have also been set up to name a street in the city after the Beechey Boys.

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