November 21, 2018 10.25 am This story is over 69 months old

Lincoln village hedge cutting mystery continues

Just leaf it alone!

The special branch is on the case with extra police patrols in a Lincoln village as a mystery hedge cutter investigation continues.

As previously reported, the bush cutter hedged their bets after striking a property on St Edwards Drive in Sudbrooke, near Lincoln, in the middle of the night twice in one week earlier this month — cutting holes in the neatly trimmed greenery.

It sparked a police investigation with PSCO Jacqueline Parker from the Nettleham policing team previously saying: “Cutting someone’s hedge without permission is unacceptable behaviour.

“It is only courteous to speak to the owner about the problem that you have and to not take the matter into your own hands.”

Hopefully police can get to the root of the issue before it grows out of hand.