August 28, 2019 6.01 pm This story is over 60 months old

£108m bid to complete Lincoln’s ring road

The plans are included in a priority list of schemes

Midlands Connect submitted a bid for £108 million of government funding to help build the North Hykeham Relief Road.

The council’s North Hykeham Relief Road plans have been included in a priority list of schemes for government funding by the Sub-national Transport Body.

The scheme is amongst 11 in the Midlands submitted to the Department for Transport for consideration as part of a £3.5 billion fund available for local road improvements from 2020-2025.

Councillors previously approved a ‘no brainer’ plan for the new £148.5 million North Hykeham Relief Road as a dual carriageway instead of a single – completing Lincoln’s ring road.

The North Hykeham Relief Road will create a new link to the south of Lincoln, connecting the A46 in the west to the A15 Lincoln Eastern Bypass, which is under construction. The plans included four new junctions and completes the orbital ring road around Lincoln.

The total cost of the North Hykeham Relief Road is estimated at £153 million. This includes a £45 million contribution from Lincolnshire County Council and developers. If successful, the council would deliver the physical infrastructure required.

Simon Statham, Midlands Connect’s head of technical programmes, said: “Lincoln is one of the biggest pinch points on the A46, which Midlands Connect has prioritised for improvement as one of the country’s most important trade routes. Connecting the A46 to the new A15 Lincoln Eastern Bypass has the potential to transform not only local trips around Lincoln, but long distance freight journeys travelling to the Humber ports as well.

“We are confident that we have provided all of the evidence the government needs to fund all 11 of our priority schemes in full, and we expect to be celebrating a £600 million investment in to the region to help our local authority partners get on and deliver this transformational programme of upgrades.”

Councillor Martin Hill, leader of Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Among its many other benefits, the road will help us meet growth targets for the area, improve A46 connectivity between the Midlands through to the Humber ports, and better connect the rest of the country to Lincolnshire’s coast.

“We’re glad to have Midlands Connect’s support in pushing this project through and ensuring that the region gets its fair share of the £3.5 billion investment pot available over the next five years.”