July 18, 2011 11.14 am This story is over 157 months old

Art celebrates history of woodland spaces

Forest Charter: An art group are celebrating the ideas of land ownership and the Magna Carta with a series of live art.

A number of new works of art, looking at the ideas of land ownership and use of woodland space, will be displayed throughout the Chambers Farm Wood, part of the Lincolnshire Lime Woods site.

The piece, called the Charter of the Forest, will be on display in the woodland area on August 6 and 7 and will include work from artists such as Tereza Buskova, Boyd Webb and Richard DeDomenici.

Artistic group Via Vaudeville! will be showing their piece Where there’s smoke which involves a charcoal burner in the woods which will give off smoke signals drawing inspiration from traditional protest songs.

The Charter of the Forest is a complementary chapter to the Magna Carta, and Lincoln Castle is the only place that holds a copy of both.

The charter was the first document that gave land access and ownership rights to people who were not nobility and that is reflected in the art programme.

The piece of live art is part of the Lincoln Art Programme which works with artists who have usually never visited the county before to create new artwork to display among normal Lincolnshire daily lives.

It was also developed in partnership with The Collection and the Forestry Commission.

There will be a coach free coach available on August 6 and 7 from The Collection, Danes Terrace at 11am directly to Chambers Farm Wood and return to Lincoln at 3pm. To book a place on the coach visit here.

For more information about the Charter of the Forest then visit here.

Source: Lincoln Art Programme | Photo: Jon Person