September 21, 2011 12.19 pm This story is over 155 months old

Celebrations planned for Lincolnshire Day

October 1st: Visit Lincoln is putting on various events to celebrate Lincolnshire Day.

Lincoln will turn yellow to celebrate Lincolnshire Day on October 1st, when the proud people of the county, ‘yellowbellies’, are renowned for wearing yellow to mark festivities.

The Visit Lincoln Partnership is promoting Lincoln and all its attractions, history, heritage and produce as a great place to celebrate Lincolnshire Day.

Draped with Lincolnshire flags, the city will be offering Cathedral Quarter walking tours, Tastes of Lincolnshire, Water Day Centenary Celebrations, Oktoberfest and the traditional crafts and farmer’s markets.

The Lincoln Guided Tours company is offering their Cathedral Quarter walking tours for free to anyone wearing yellow or a Lincolnshire flag badge.

Celebrating 100 years of water in the cities’ water supply, the Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Kathleen Brothwell will turn on the Arboretum fountain that was first in action in 1911.

Oktoberfest, the German beer festival will be on the Brayford Waterfront from 29 September to 2 October.

With recent success in a national food poll placing the Lincolnshire sausage on top, there will be three craft and farmers’ markets across the city on the High Street, at Cornhill and in St Marks, open to shoppers from 9am until 4pm.

Photo: Gabby Price