December 1, 2011 11.04 am This story is over 152 months old

Drivers warned over festive drink drug driving

Designated driver: Police will carry more spot checks over the festive period to tackle driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

Lincolnshire Police warned that it will conduct more road side checks to arrest and prosecute drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs over the festive period.

Signed road checks will be in operation across Lincolnshire that will be carried out in early morning, evening and at night time.

Besides breathalyser checks, field impairment checks (FIT) will be carried out on drivers suspected of driving whilst under the influence of drugs.

In the past year in Lincolnshire, 6 people have died in collisions and more than 70 people have been injured.

Some have suffered serious, and often life changing injuries where drink or drugs were a contributing factor.

Since April 2010, over 28,000 drivers have been tested at the roadside.

Chief Inspector Kieran English said: “People in Lincolnshire have, for too long, had their families torn apart by the spectre of drink and drug driving.

“Those that are left behind suffer for all time the loss of a loved one.

“Our enforcement strategy will target those who continue to blight our society, we will conduct checks at all times of the day to ensure drink and drug drivers do not get away with it.”

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: North Yorkshire Police