July 25, 2016 4.00 pm This story is over 97 months old

Boxing Day attacker who viciously beat Boston victim jailed

A violent attacker who repeatedly kicked, punched and stamped on his victim has today been jailed for six years at Lincoln Crown Court. Karol Korycki carried out the attack in the early hours of the morning after approaching his victim Einaras Baranauskas near to Boston bus station. Korycki, 20, of James Street, Boston, admitted a…

A violent attacker who repeatedly kicked, punched and stamped on his victim has today been jailed for six years at Lincoln Crown Court.

Karol Korycki carried out the attack in the early hours of the morning after approaching his victim Einaras Baranauskas near to Boston bus station.

Korycki, 20, of James Street, Boston, admitted a charge of assault with intent to rob as a result of the incident on Boxing Day 2014.

Judge Michael Heath, passing sentence, described the attack as “sickening”.

The Judge said: “You subjected your victim to a vicious, sustained attack in which you repeatedly kicked, punched and stamped on him. Much of the violence occurred when he was on the ground.

“You could quite easily have killed him or caused serious injury to his brain. It is remarkable that the injuries were not much more serious.”

Abigail Joyce, prosecuting, said the victim had been drinking heavily at a party at his own home before deciding to go for a walk with the intention of sobering up.

Miss Joyce said that Mr Baranauskas walked towards the bus station but encountered a group of men including Korycki.

Korycki demanded he hand over his phone and then launched the attack with blows mainly aimed at the head of Mr Baranauskas.

The attack continued while the victim was on the ground and at one point Korycki searched through his pockets.

The incident only ended when police arrived at the scene.

Then Korycki claimed to be the victim and said he was attacked by Mr Baranauskas.

Miss Joyce said: “The prolonged nature of the assault is an aggravating feature. The defendant selected his victim who clearly was vulnerable because of the amount of alcohol he had drunk.”

Mr Baranauskas suffered a number of injuries including a fracture to the right arm and subsequently underwent an operation.

Edna Leonard, defending, said that Korycki came to the UK to work and immediately found himself a job.

She said “It was his intention to support his mother and send money back to Poland. ”

Miss Leonard said that Korycki now wants to return to his home country as soon as he is able to do so.

“He has always recognised that the violence was totally and unforgivably wrong.”