August 11, 2016 12.51 pm This story is over 96 months old

Tattershall child groomer jailed for inciting child prostitution

A former Tattershall man who asked for naked photos from two teenage girls was today (Thursday, August 11) jailed for four and half years. Martyn Coburn, 35, “groomed” both girls after exchanging text and Facebook messages with them, Lincoln Crown Court heard. The court was told Coburn began speaking to the first victim after moving…

A former Tattershall man who asked for naked photos from two teenage girls was today (Thursday, August 11) jailed for four and half years.

Martyn Coburn, 35, “groomed” both girls after exchanging text and Facebook messages with them, Lincoln Crown Court heard.

The court was told Coburn began speaking to the first victim after moving to an address in Auden Court, Tattershall.

James Vout, prosecuting, said: “He was soon sending text messages to her. They were extensive and at all times of day. He took to calling her ‘baby’ and told her she was ‘really pretty’.”

Mr Vout told the court Coburn also asked the girl to download Skype and to send him naked photos on Facebook.

In total the girl sent Coburn 11 photos which he kept in a file named “my woman.”

The court was told Coburn split from his partner after she discovered his activity and he moved in with his parents.

Mr Vout said Coburn then groomed a second teenage girl who he asked to send him topless and naked photos after engaging her in flirty conversations.

“She sent him a picture of her face and cleavage,” Mr Vout added.

In mitigation the court was told Coburn suffered from learning difficulties and had no relevant previous convictions.

Coburn, now of no fixed address, admitted five charges between May 2013 and March 2016 relating to inciting and causing child prostitution, making and possessing indecent images and attempting to incite a sexual act.

He was jailed for four and half years, made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and banned from working with children.

Passing sentence Judge Simon Hirst told Coburn that he was only person responsible for his crimes.