September 13, 2016 2.58 pm This story is over 95 months old

In pictures: Shameful parking in Boston

The Lincolnshire Reporter team have scoured the internet to find your images of the worst parking in Boston. Taking a stand against parking blunders, many have contributed to Facebook pages: Parking like a t**t in Lincolnshire , Bad Parking and Badly Parked Boston. Have you seen any examples that deserve the title: Boston’s worst driver? Here are some…

The Lincolnshire Reporter team have scoured the internet to find your images of the worst parking in Boston.

Taking a stand against parking blunders, many have contributed to Facebook pages: Parking like a t**t in Lincolnshire , Bad Parking and Badly Parked Boston.

Have you seen any examples that deserve the title: Boston’s worst driver?

Here are some of our favourites:

Blocked in

Photo: Victoria Dow

Photo: Victoria Dow

We hope the silver car wasn’t in a rush! Won’t be moving for a while.

On the road

Photo: Badly Parked Boston Page

Swinehead. Photo: Badly Parked Boston Page

It is hard to believe but yes, this driver decided to park in the middle of the road at a junction.


Photo: Lee Cook

B&M car park, Boston. Photo: Lee Cook

This car wanted twice as much space as everyone else… greedy!

In the way

Stickney. Photo: Scott Fuller

Stickney. Photo: Scott Fuller

We are not sure if any people know how to park in this area!

Awful parking

Tesco car park, Boston. Photo: Charli Cullinan

Downtown car park, Boston. Photo: Charli Cullinan

The black car needs to take lessons from that trolley! At least that is in a space…

Given up

Tesco car park, Boston. Photo: Steve Rollinson

Tesco car park, Boston. Photo: Steve Rollinson

Clearly this van driver got bored half way through turning into the space so just left it. It’s just lazy really.

Did you take any photos or dash cam videos of Lincolnshire drivers that deserve a spot on Lincolnshire Reporter? Email them to [email protected]

Have you seen worse parking than this in Louth?

Have you seen worse parking than this in Louth?

Also see: Disastrous parking attempts in Louth