September 15, 2016 1.19 pm This story is over 95 months old

Grimsby daredevil Guy Martin to attempt world motorbike land speed record

Grimsby daredevil Guy Martin will attempt to smash a world motorbike land speed record on the famous Bonneville salt flats in Utah later today. The bike Guy hopes to smash this record with is a purpose-built Triumph, which is a 1,000 bhp Infor Rocket Streamliner. Last month, Guy took to the salt flats to practise for…

Grimsby daredevil Guy Martin will attempt to smash a world motorbike land speed record on the famous Bonneville salt flats in Utah later today.

The bike Guy hopes to smash this record with is a purpose-built Triumph, which is a 1,000 bhp Infor Rocket Streamliner.

Last month, Guy took to the salt flats to practise for his attempt and registered the fastest ever speed for a Triumph bike.

The bike hit 274.2mph.

However, the current motorbike speed record is 376.363mph, so Guy will have to go quite a bit quicker still.

Guy Martin on Brayford Pool when he was preparing for his water speed record attempt. Photo: Tobias Thompson

Guy Martin on Brayford Pool when he was preparing for his water speed record attempt. Photo: Tobias Thompson

Failed water speed attempt

Guy will hope to have more luck in his world record bid than he did for his failed attempt to break the water speed record in Lincoln in July.

The maverick TV presenter had to abandon his plans on Brayford Pool due to underwater weeds.

Hundreds of Lincoln residents did, however, get the opportunity to see Guy in action as he practised for the record.