December 5, 2017 3.49 pm This story is over 80 months old

Boston deputy council leader channels George Michael in Wham Last Christmas charity video

For a great cause.

Boston Borough Council deputy leader Aaron Spencer is bringing music to people’s ears once again this Christmas by performing a cover of Wham’s festive hit Last Christmas for charity.

Alongside his friend Jack Cunnington, Aaron is aiming to raise money for the British Heart Foundation through the tongue-in-cheek video which you can watch below.

In the video, the duo take a trip to Derbyshire to record their version of the 1986 hit, aping the pseudo home-filmed style of the original Wham video in which George Michael, Andrew Ridgeley and friends enjoy a Christmas skiing holiday.

Aaron and his band Hydrobats covered Slade’s Merry Christmas Everyone three years ago in memory of the councillor’s grandfather, who died from a heart condition around Christmas 2013.

“We’ve done it all tongue-in cheek, taking the mickey out of ourselves and we’ve made ourselves look absolute idiots but we enjoyed making it,” said Aaron.

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