October 22, 2012 3.53 pm This story is over 142 months old

Extended consultation on Brayford level crossing bridge design

Much-needed bridge: Network Rail extended the consultation on the designs for a footbridge over the level crossing at Brayford Wharf East until November 5.

Network Rail extended the consultation on the designs for a footbridge over the level crossing at Brayford Wharf East until November 5.

The firm is proposing an accessible bridge on two sites in Lincoln, at High Street and Brayford Wharf East, in order to reduce waiting times and misuse at the crossings.

Lincoln-based Stem Architects have been appointed to develop solutions for the Brayford crossing, and Panter Hudspith Architects for the High Street bridge.

A planning application for the Brayford site will be submitted in December. The designs for the High Street footbridge have yet to be unveiled.

Network Rail said around 150 people visited displays detailing the plans last week in its incident vehicle outside the old signal box on Brayford Wharf East.

A company spokesman said: “We were pleased by the positive response to our plans. While many people had comments on the form of the bridge and the materials it could be made from, the vast majority supported our plans.”

A poll with more than 500 votes on The Lincolnite shows that 61% of respondents (332) did not like the bridge designs, while 30% said they liked it (107) and 13% said they would go for anything that reduced waiting times at the barrier. Comments also related to the shape and the colour of the bridge.

“We are welcoming further comments until 5 November, after which we will develop a planning submission which will go to City of Lincoln Council in December,” the spokesman added.

“We remain committed to finding a solution for the more complex High Street site and will return to the city with designs as soon as they are developed.”

Feedback and comments can also be posted directly to Network Rail via email at [email protected] by 5 November 2012.

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