October 27, 2012 2.50 pm This story is over 142 months old

In pictures: Lincoln Sausage Festival 2012

Treats and gifts: Thousands braved the cold weather for the 10th Lincoln Sausage Festival at Lincoln Castle and Cathedral.

Thousands braved the cold weather on Saturday for the 10th Lincoln Sausage Festival at Lincoln Castle and Cathedral.

More than 60 stalls showcased the best of Lincolnshire food and farming.

The event is organised by Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia to raise money for Rotary Kids Out 2012, a charity working to give underprivileged fun days out.

It was sponsored by Tastes of Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire County Council, Lincoln Business Improvement Group and Redhill Farm.

Photos by Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite