May 10, 2018 9.57 am This story is over 75 months old

Garlic bread rock: “It’s the future”

Found in Cleethorpes.

A flabbergasted Lincolnshire holiday-maker sparked an amusing online debate when they discovered garlic bread floured rock in a local shop.

Unappealing for some, but a tempting challenge all the same. The questionable garlic sweet was found in the Candiland Cleethorpes seaside shop, apparently alongside other British favourites like… traditional pasty.

The post on Reddit certainly got people talking about the appeal of perhaps Lincolnshire’s most unusual treat.

Well that’s… different

Many took the opportunity as a warning to other visitors.

One user said: “I’ve tried this monster. It’s just as repulsive as you’d expect.”

Another added: “It’s not a future I want to be a part of.”

Other’s were shocked for a different reason: “Utterly disgusting. They missed the apostrophe.”

Apparently Lincolnshire’s candy shops aren’t the only ones to get experimental with their rock flavours: “They have it in Blackpool as well, but they also have cheese and tomato pizza and chicken tikka flavour,” said one commenter.

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten in Lincolnshire? Let us know in the comments.