June 26, 2018 10.48 am This story is over 74 months old

Heatwave alert in sunny Lincolnshire

Will you be taking a dip In the sea?

Things are heating up in Lincolnshire as the UK prepares for the hottest week of the year.

Maximum temperatures of 29°C are predicted by the Met office for today (Tuesday) but temperatures are likely to average at 17°C.

That’s refreshingly cooler than the mid 20s forecast predicted for the Lincolnshire mainland, but still warm enough for a dip in one of the county’s ‘excellent’ bathing waters.

It’s noticeably cooler on the Lincolnshire Coast but still hot enough for a dip in the sea. Photo: Met Office

UV Levels are also rated VH (Very High) and sun care is advised for those outside enjoying the sun.

Like grass pollen is also ranked VH, which means that hay fever suffers should stock up on medication if they plan to bask up the sunshine.

So how long will this warm, hot weather last?

The Met Office’s Deputy Chief Meteorologist, Jason Kelly said: “With high pressure firmly in charge, the warm and dry weather is here to stay until at least the end of June and although it is still some way off, we could be looking at similar conditions continuing into the start of July.”

The highest temperature recorded in the UK so far this year is 29.1 Celsius at St James Park on April 19. Can that be beaten today?