April 29, 2019 3.57 pm This story is over 64 months old

‘Daft’ not to look into another devolution deal, says MP

He described it as a ‘big opportunity’

Boston’s MP said it would be “daft” not to look into plans for another devolution deal for Lincolnshire which he described as a “big financial opportunity”.

The government is currently drawing up new models that councils could adopt for devolved powers.

Matt Warman, MP for Boston and Skegness, said he will encourage local authorities in the county to look at the plans once they are complete.

Lincolnshire councils voted to reject a devolution deal, which was worth around £450 million, back in 2016.

The devolved plans were rejected by both Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council over fears that an elected mayor would have created more bureaucracy.

Boston and Skegness MP, Matt Warman. Picture: Daniel Jaines.

But Mr Warman, a long term supporter of devolution in the county, said there is still a chance that the region can secure some powers from Whitehall.

“It remains the case that there is a big financial opportunity and one to make decisions about Lincolnshire in Lincolnshire that I think we should be grasping,” he said.

“I think it’s daft not to see if we can take this further.”

Lincolnshire County Council leader Martin Hill

Mr Warman organised meetings between the Northern Powerhouse minister, Jake Berry, and the county’s council leaders to discuss potential devolution plans.

Last year, county council leader Martin Hill said there was an “opportunity tor revisit” the devolution plans.

He added that there was an “appetite” for a proposal without an elected mayor.

Local authority bosses held meetings with ministers last year over possible devolved powers, while the county council has also been exploring options for partnerships with other East Midlands authorities.

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